The condition in which people are born, grow up, live, work, and age may invariably affect their state of health and well-being as well as impact their health decisions.
Media Center
It's estimated that at least 25 per cent of Jamaicans have mental illness.
Sep 09, 2018
I have always been a proponent of telemedicine and its immense benefits to the healthcare system. It is a great way for rural communities to gain access to high quality health care.
Sep 04, 2018
Important strides have been made in health sectors worldwide to move forward with achieving a complete digital ecosystem with electronic medical records (EMR) central to this.
Sep 02, 2018
ANYONE WHO has been sick and has had to take medicines for whatever reason knows that pharmaceuticals can be quite expensive.
Aug 26, 2018
Hospitals worldwide seek to reduce the length of time patients are admitted as this not only saves the facility resources but it can also be safer for the patient to be treated and releas
Aug 12, 2018